Welcome to FIQY FOR MN

Empowering families, protecting children

Through these initiatives, I aspire to create positive change and a better future for the residents of Minnesota.



Our children are the future, and to prepare them for success, we must equip them with the tools they need. I advocate for a focus on quality education, steering away from certain curriculums—such as early-age sex education—and emphasizing a commitment to excellence.

Public Safety

Identifying public safety as a top priority, I am dedicated to supporting and enhancing its viability through comprehensive policies and community engagement.

State Spending

I propose a strategic reduction of state spending, redirecting resources towards crucial programs like education, rehabilitation, and medical care personnel. This ensures a more efficient allocation of resources to benefit the community.

Business-Friendly Environment

Making our state business-friendly is essential for economic growth. I aim to eliminate unnecessary regulations that hinder small businesses, empowering them to thrive and contribute significantly to our state's prosperity.

Combatting Drug Influx

Addressing the challenge of hard drug influx is a key aspect of my campaign. I will implement a comprehensive plan, combining law enforcement efforts, prevention programs, and rehabilitation services to protect the well-being of the people of Minnesota.

Meet Salman Fiqy

I was born in Somalia, a beginning that taught me early on about overcoming adversity. After finishing high school, I set my sights on studying medicine in Mogadishu, but the conflict took a turn, and I had to leave my dreams behind, first moving to Kenya and then making a big leap to the U.S.

Soon after coming to America, I enrolled at South Central College and later transferred to Minnesota State University Mankato to major in biology. This chapter of my life laid the groundwork for what was to come.

Today, I’m a married father of two, and I’ve ventured into entrepreneurship, running a consulting business. My life story is a testament to the idea that no matter where you start or what challenges you face, with hard work and determination, you can achieve your dreams.

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